class AtCoder::LazySegTree(S, F)


Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.

The identity element will be implicitly defined as nil, so you don't have to manually define it. In the other words, you cannot include nil into an element of the monoid.

Similarly, the identity map of F will be implicitly defined as nil, so you don't have to manually define it. In the other words, you cannot include nil into an element of the set F.

op = ->(a : Int32, b : Int32) { [a, b].min }
mapping = ->(f : Int32, x : Int32) { f }
composition = ->(a : Int32, b : Int32) { a }
tree = AtCoder::LazySegTree(Int32, Int32).new((0...100).to_a, op, mapping, composition)
tree[10...50] # => 10
tree[20...60] = 0
tree[50...80] # => 0

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Array(S), operator : S, S -> S, application : F, S -> S, composition : F, F -> F) #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](index : Int) #

Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.get(index).

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def [](range : Range) #

Implements, right).

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def []=(index : Int, applicator : F) #

Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.apply(index, applicator).

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def []=(range : Range, applicator : F) #

Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.apply(left, right, applicator). ameba:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity

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def all_prod #

Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.all_prod().

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def max_right(left, e : S | Nil = nil, & : S -> Bool) #

Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.max_right(left, g).

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def min_left(right, e : S | Nil = nil, & : S -> Bool) #

Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.min_left(right, g).

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def set(index : Int, value : S) #

Implements atcoder::lazy_segtree.set(index, applicator).

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