class AtCoder::Graph(NodeInfo, EdgeInfo)

Direct Known Subclasses

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Array(NodeInfo)) #

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def : Int64, initial_node : NodeInfo = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def dfs(node : Int64, initial_value : T, &block : Int64, T, NamedTuple(node: Int64, node_info: NodeInfo | Nil, edge: Int64 | Nil, edge_info: EdgeInfo | Nil, parent: Int64), T -> -> ) forall T #

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def dijkstra(start_node) #

Performs Dijkstra's Algorithm to calculate the distance of each node from start_node. To use this method, EdgeInfo must implement .zero and #+(EdgeInfo) and #>(EdgeInfo).

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def visited : Set(Int64) #

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